Friday 14 May 2010

I experimented with distortion effects on the computer, in order to further manipulate my images and make them surreal like the style of Andre Kurtesz, a photographer that i used for my art history.

In my final, i decided to work on a larger scale as it gave me more room to lead them into eachother. I wanted parts to come out and go into the others because it is like a cycle of how they all flow into eachother, it also reminded me of my thought cycle, of how things seem to blur into eachother when you overthink it, which again is linked to the main title, as its my 'cycle' of thought.

This is the first piece of experimental prep where i started to use surrealism to link the borbles into one another, i decided to use tree branches, as they're easy to manipulate into any shape so they can all fit together.

I practiced drawing tree branches in biro, as preperation for my main piece, but i decided against using a scratchy biro effect and went more for a smooth look, like Escher or Magritte.

I used Magritte as some of my art history, as his paitings are all to do with surrealism as well, which was similar to my destortion. i also like the smoothness of the way he paints, which is similar to my precise, graphic style.

I also used Escher as art history, again his style of drawing is similar to mine. But his images are also a lot to do with distortion, such as this eye or the hand holding a ball.

This drawing is a lot like my photos using the Christmas borble. The technique was good practice for my final piece as drawing with pencil is similar to biro.

A painting based on one of the photos that i took, i decided against working in paint for my final piece, as im better at getting fine detail using drawing media.

Exam work

This is a selection of the better photos that i took for my final project. The title was 'rythms and cycles' and i decided to base mine around distortion and how light bends from different surfaces. I also tried to visually make it look like a cycle by fitting them into a circle, which was the first thing that came to mind when i heard the title.

These images were the final stage of my project, depicting a stereotypical hippy, smoking 'cannabis'.

Friday 12 March 2010

These were prep photos for my chav stereotype


As prep work for my hippy i used the Album cover for Yellow submarine by The Beetles and carried on with the pattern. It the gave me the idea of doing a pattern like this as the background for the jigsaw piece.

For the geek i used pencil because its very precise and neat, like the way a geeks mind would stereotypically work.

I then moved onto to taking my own photos and drawing pictures to go with them. I tried to link the medium with the type of stereotype, so for Emo i used scratchy biro, because its messy, like the mess inside and emo's head.

For my stereotypes project I started off by doing small sketches of different types of people.


This was my first etching that I did. I tried to make it look like it was based around De Chirico, by putting a random object in a room, but making it look like it belonged there. I tried to link the shell with the view out of the window as it is the ocean.

Prep work

This is all more prep for my agriculture project...

Agriculture project

For a piece of prep Mr Low put a foot print in my book to link in with the agriculture theme, then I decided to turn it into a landscape with biro and a felt tip, and try to disguise the fact that it started with a foot print.

With another photo that I had taken, I decided to do an etching because my first etching had turned out well, the precise linear lines made it perfect for etching as they were so clear

I also tried doing the tractor with brusho to see how it looked in colour.

This was my final piece and was on a very large scale. Once I had finished the black and white piece, I decided to go over it with varnish and sepia tones to give it and aged look.

I based my first project around agriculture, as i'd taken a good photo of a old run down tractor in the Dales. I liked the different tones and how there was more shadow on one side than the other, so decided to do a large painting of it for my final piece.

Start of the year...

This is a picture from one of my photo manipulations. We had to take random objects and place them in a box, then experiment with different lighting to get good shadows. It was all based around spacial awareness, and was a good way of practicing staging photos.

My first De Chirico study was again based around tone and shade.

This was my second DeChirico study and i decided to do it as a collage to experiment with different media.

With this drawing, we had to take a household item and make it into something else. So i took a bottle opener and made it look like a scarecrow by adding a hat and different materials

This is my version of an Escher drawing, this study was based around tone and shade.